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Company NameShenzhen Oskyoo Technology Co., Limited
Aboutus<br>Just Like, Just Do, More Choice To Your Living. <br /><br />OSKYOO was originated with the goal of combining two worlds: Sports and Smart. When it comes to change, OSKYOO brings the latest trends from different parts of the world and transforms them to the latest smart craze. We have an ongoing determination to keep up with the constant change in products and provide our consumer with outstanding products. Hard work, passion and motivation are the three things that everyone needs to perform at their best, and that is what we are willing to provide for our customers. OSKYOO makes it happen because our customers make it worth it. <br /><br />OSKYOO fusing sport, health, fashion and smart into one product, we aim to bring many more unique and interesting products to the market. More Choice To Your Living.<br>
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NameMs. Nora Wang
Address 4 Floor a Building, Beifang Junyi Industrial Park, Fuyuan Road, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518000
Company IntroduceLED Flashing Bicycle Light Sport Reflective Armband<br>Flashing Mode:quickly Flashing / slowly Flashing/ Lighten up (controled by the button)<br />Early moning shift, or going to and retuning from school in the dark,Cycling, Jogging at night, This Product is for you. Schools, colleges, universities, utilities companies, taxi drivers, delivery drivers, road workers, civil servants, joggers, cyclists, school kids, water company workers, police, ambulance crew and corporate entities are all welcome. &nbsp; This stuff is for you!<br />
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Member TypeGold Supplier